We continue to be open and service our clients’ needs.
To accommodate each client’s unique situation, we offer virtual meetings by video conference (through Skype, Zoom or Facetime, etc.) as well as in-person meetings while abiding by health standards, including physical distancing and wearing non-medical face coverings which are mandatory indoors within the City of Toronto.
Unless you have an appointment, we would ask that you do not simply drop into the office. As a courtesy, please call ahead.
Call: 416-601-4769
Email: info@duensinglaw.com
If you have traveled outside of the country in the last 14 days, or if you have been in contact with anyone who has traveled outside of the country in the last 14 days (to your knowledge) please do not attend our office. Let us know and we can make alternative arrangements.
If you are experiencing a cough, fever or difficulty breathing or are otherwise unwell, please do not attend our office. As above, please let us know and we will accommodate you remotely or through a power of attorney.
We have sanitizer in the office. Kindly avail of this amenity prior to attending your appointment (and on your way out).
We trust that we have your understanding in these difficult times. We are confident that we can assist with your legal needs.
Superior Court of Justice – Important Re-opening Dates
The Superior Court of Justice has released an update on the plan to re-open courts. The current plan is to reopen 56 courtrooms across Ontario (including 18 in Toronto) on July 6, 2020. Additional courtrooms will be available by September 15, 2020 (Phase 2) and November 1, 2020 (Phase 3).
The Ministry of the Attorney General will be posting a guidebook on health and safety measures before July 6, 2020.
Some in-court hearings will resume on July 6, 2020. Priority will be given to trials, other hearings that are urgent and matters scheduled to be heard during the suspension of regular operations. Lawyers and parties are expected to come to court half an hour early due to additional screening measures. Parties should bring family members or other supports to court only where absolutely necessary. The court will continue to hear matters virtually.
We very much appreciate your co-operation during this time. Duensing Law wishes you and your family lots of health. Trust us to provide the experienced legal intervention you need.
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